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Privacy policy

So far we collect no data

Most websites may use cookies or database to collect data in order to provide users a better experience.

However, we do not collect data (yet)

Stanley TDM did not collect any data you key in. The data that you key in may includes

  1. Measured drug level(s)
  2. Patient demographic (age, weight, height, gender)
  3. Infusion timing
  4. Administration timing
  5. Sampling timing
  6. Some pharmacokinetics parameters such as previous volume of distribution

This data is used for calculation purpose only and will not be stored.
All data is lost when you refresh or close the browser.

Even if we DO collect data (in future maybe)

In future, we may collect data and implement user login function, to enable easy retriving of previous patient pharmacokinetics data.

But that is just a future plan with no clear implementation date. We will update our privacy pollicy if we do collect data.

As far as now is concerned, Stanley TDM do not collect or save any data.