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It is super expensive

Just kidding! Everything at Stanley TDM is FREE. Yes, correct, FREE. Although it has taken us days and nights to build this website-based calculator, we still charge nothing to our users, for only one reason. We genuinely want everyone, especially you, to be able to calculate TDM cases accurately and timely.

We know your story

We understand the pain and struggle of dealing with TDM calculation. When cases are a lot, things may go wrong, and you have no companion tools to help you to validate your calculation. When you want to go home earlier, you have nothing beside your scientific calculator to help you to calculate the cases. When you want to adjust the dosage, you need to try different dosage and frequency, pluging in every number one by one into the formula, and finally realised that the first one is still the best.

We know your struggle and we have gone through it as well. This is the reason why we build this TDM calculator. To take away these struggles and provide our patients the best regimen in a timely manner.

However, we do need money to keep operating this calculator website. Please donate to us if you found that this calculator really helped you out. Thank you in advance.