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Everything you need to know about Stanley TDM

Why start this thing?

We build this TDM calculator to enable everyone (PRP, FRP, experienced pharmacist, etc.) to solve TDM cases accurately and promptly.

We understand that TDM is not just about calculation. It is more than that. Yes, we know it. TDM involves patient's clinical history, lab data, disease progression, sampling site, administration technique, etc etc etc...

However, we realise that in the whole TDM-solving process, there is one particular part that is most time consuming and prone to error. That particular part is calculation.

TDM calculation is time consuming

If you have done your calculation, and all those calculation are correct, then interpretation is relatively easy. All you need to do is to see the calculated cMax cMin levels or whatsoever, and then determine what is next. You can't interprete if you have not calculated. And you can't interprete correctly if you have not calculated correctly.

Unfortunately, calculation is time-consuming. You need to memorise the formulas, plug in the numbers inside the formulas one by one inside the calculator, and calculate it. To prevent you from forgetting important numbers, most of the time you will need a piece of paper to write things down.

And after a pageful of words, numbers, formulas, etc etc. 20 minutes passed. Interpret only start now.

"Hey, wait a minute, the cMax is so high, I think I should reduce the dose or increase the frequency. But how much I should adjust?"

Then you repeat all the calculations again.
"Let's try 750mg TDS... after 7 mins ... oh it is still too high..."
"How about 800mg BD? ... after 5.5 mins ... hmmm it is too low"
"How about 800mg TDS? ... after 6.2 mins ... hmmm it is super high"
"You know what? I will opt for 750mg TDS, the expected values are slightly higher but renal seems improving, should be fine."
That is how you have plug in all those numbers, do all those calculations, and finally opt back for the first option.

What if you could do all of these calculations under 3 minutes? I mean net 3 minutes.
You could interpret and come up with suggestions within a mere 3 minutes simply by letting the computer do the calculation.
Computer is best at repetitive work.
And Stanley TDM is designed specifically to do so.

TDM calculation is prone to error

Another good thing about computer is if it does the job right for 1 time, 99% of the chance it will do it right for the rest of the life.

Human is prone to error. We have emotions, we could get distracted, frustrated, demotivated, tired, etc etc etc

And when we plug in the wrong numbers, or use the wrong formula, or use the wrong conversion factor, errors occur and patient may get harmed from that.

But good news is computer could reduce this error risk. Error may still occur even when using computer by keying the wrong number inside the system. However, with a computer system, you won't use not the wrong formula, nor the wrong conversion factor (given that bugs are fixed).
The risk is reduced substantially, and you could get the calculated answers within seconds if not instantly.

Long story short

Stanley TDM is designed to enable everyone to solve TDM under minutes, simply by letting the computer do the most time consuming and prone-to-error part of TDM - calculation. Hope that you will see how powerful is this and ride on this force.